Friday, August 31, 2012

Semi-nanny related book rant

I was really looking forward to getting some reading in this past week. I ordered Dr. Mark Weissbluth's Healthy Sleep Habits book, a Julia Child biography, and a few other things.

Sadly, this is NOT a book review.


Dear Barnes & Noble online shopping:

You're competing against Amazon pretty directly now, huh? Well, I have to say that so far, you're losing the fight for MY money. Why? I am so glad you asked!

The Experience 

Sunday: place order online for 4 books/1 CD - also (sort of accidentally) join your membership club. Done around 3 pm-ish.

Tuesday: Get email that order is delayed. 5 emails actually. 12 hours later, get email that CD is actually coming.

Wednesday: Get emails (4) at 3 am that books are coming. YAY!!! BOOKS!!!!

Thursday: Go to your actual store to buy a (completely different) book. Wait 15 minutes while a membership club telephone person and a salesperson debate whether I actually HAVE a membership club card. Wonder if I can return the membership, since I may never come to store again. 10% off a $12 book is not worth 15+ minutes of my time. Return home and track package with my books. (Did I mention, YAY! BOOKS!!) Books are at Roswell post office, thanks to UPS, as of five minutes to midnight on 8/29. Wait. What? Why is UPS giving my books to USPS?

Friday: Head off to work, happy to have seen that my books are "Out for Delivery" at 9 am. I will have books! After work! Do work. Tired. Head home at 3 to find CD in mailbox. No Books? Obsessively begin checking tracking page. Still no books at 7:30. Sadness. results - 1 cd, delivered in 4 - 5 days. 4 books, missing, presumably being read by mail delivery person. :-(

The Experience

Wednesday: It's night outside. Place order.

Friday: Come home from work around 3:30. Amazon box left at my door. Results - ~H~A~P~P~Y~ 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, you and I aren't well acquainted, so I'm going to let you in on something my friends know. Do not. EVER. Get between me and book(s) I want. It could be dangerous to you in various ways. Follow's lead here. Seriously. If you doubt me, let me remind you of a former on line book store.

They regularly annoyed me.

Think about it! 

(With any luck, unless someone at the Post Office has a baby who won't sleep through the night, or is a Julia Child devotee, I will post a book review soon. Maybe)